Pay By Pay Worker’s Comp

Pay by Pay Worker’s Comp:

In most states, Workers’ Compensation insurance is required and important to protecting your business. Without it, business owners may be exposed to two types of risk: state-imposed penalties or being held personally liable for an employee’s medical care and lost wages due to a work-related injury.


Pay-As-You-Go Programs: 

Traditional Workers’ Compensation programs burden small business owners with large pre-payments upfront and potentially big surprises at year end. We understand how important cash flow is for small– to medium-sized businesses. That’s why we’ve partnered with insurance carriers that offer competitive rates and pay-as-you-go programs. With a pay-as-you-go solution, insurance premiums for your Workers’ Compensation policy are withdrawn directly from your bank account when you process payroll. There’s no down payment required to bind your coverage, and premiums are paid one payroll at a time (not the traditional “pay in advance best guess”).

Program Benefits

Travelers Insurance Company, Employers Compensation Insurance Company, The Hartford, C.N.A., Berkshire Hathaway Guard Insurance Group, FirstComp, Preferred Employers and AmTrust.